From Fragmentation to Unity: Transforming an Enterprise’s Global Marketing Strategy
How Wildtribe overhauled Cooper Turner Beck's global marketing strategy, creating a unified brand vision, restructuring their online presence, and elevating sustainability messaging.

What Was Happening
Cooper Turner Beck Group (CTB) is a globally recognised supplier of safety critical fastener solutions for multiple sectors, but predominantly renewable wind energy.
They are known for their commitment to quality, end-to-end capabilities and have a reputation as industry-leaders in service delivery.
However, the company faced several critical marketing challenges that prevented it from fully capitalising on its strengths. These included the absence of a unified vision and mission, a fragmented online presence leading to inconsistent customer experiences, and no standardised marketing processes. CTB also lacked a recognisable spokesperson and proactive communication strategy, which weakened its ability to effectively convey its value to both external and internal audiences.

What We Did
Wildtribe embarked on a comprehensive marketing strategy overhaul for CTB.
We undertook a two day in-person strategy workshop with leaders from global business units and core departments - and undertook weeks of market analysis to create an initial strategy document. We then tested our assumptions and rationale through a market study, sent to the group’s partners and industry peers.
The collated survey responses gave our team insight into the priorities of their customers and partners, what they value - and how they perceive - Cooper Turner Beck Group. This information was used to further refine our initial marketing positioning and messaging, and strategy recommendations.
The Outcome
We developed a comprehensive 100-page strategy document, outlining our rationale and diving deep into our recommended actions, timeline and KPIs.
The CTB-approved strategy confirmed the marketing actions we would take to elevate the group’s communications:
- Developing a Unified Brand Strategy: We proposed the creation of a cohesive group vision, aligning the sub-brands (Cooper & Turner, Beck Prosper, and Beck Industries) into distinct, sector-specific divisions under the CTB Group umbrella.
- Restructuring the Online Presence: We recommended creating a group website that consolidates the business units under sector specialisations, making it easier for customers to navigate and engage with the brand. Each business unit would maintain its own identity while being aligned within the larger CTB brand.
- Refining Marketing Processes: We agreed to implement unified marketing systems, sharing insights and harmonising communication across all units.
Sustainability Messaging: Based on customer survey feedback, we highlighted sustainability as a core pillar of CTB’s brand, emphasising its importance in future marketing communications. We immediately got to work on the group’s first ESG Report campaign, including creating a webinar event for the report launch.

Some headline stats
New Social Media Followers
New Newsletter Subscribers
Is where our blog for 'Commercial GSHP' ranks on Google
New sign-ups to download the ‘Onsite Guide’
New website leads since we starting working together
Andy Gibson, Wildtribe Founder